TrustedForm: Lead Certification Tool


TrustedForm is a lead certification technology that captures and stores the exact moment a lead completes a web form, providing verifiable proof of consent. This proof includes details such as the timestamp, user interactions, and the URL where the form was filled out. Essentially, TrustedForm creates a digital certificate that confirms the legitimacy of the lead, ensuring that the data collected is compliant with regulations and free from fraud.

How Does TrustedForm Work?

  1. Form Integration: TrustedForm is integrated with your web forms through a simple script. Once integrated, it starts capturing every interaction a user has with the form.
  2. Lead Certification: When a user submits the form, TrustedForm generates a certificate that includes critical information such as the user’s IP address, the URL of the form, the time of submission, and a recording of the user’s interactions with the form.
  3. Certificate Access: Each lead certificate is stored securely and can be accessed via a unique URL. Businesses can use these certificates to verify the legitimacy of the lead, ensuring that it meets compliance standards.
  4. Compliance and Verification: TrustedForm certificates serve as concrete evidence of user consent, which is crucial for compliance with regulations such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act).

TrustedForm is Essential for Lead Generation

  1. Ensuring Compliance: With strict regulations governing data privacy and consumer consent, businesses must ensure they collect leads legally. TrustedForm provides the necessary proof of consent, helping businesses avoid hefty fines and legal issues.
  2. Building Trust: For businesses, especially those in highly regulated industries, establishing trust with consumers is vital. TrustedForm certificates provide transparency and build confidence that the leads were collected ethically and with proper consent.
  3. Preventing Fraud: Fake leads can cost businesses time, resources, and money. TrustedForm helps prevent lead fraud by certifying that the leads are real and have willingly provided their information.
  4. Optimizing Lead Quality: By ensuring that all leads are genuine and compliant, businesses can focus on nurturing high-quality leads, improving conversion rates, and achieving better ROI on their marketing efforts.
  5. Simplifying Dispute Resolution: In case of any disputes regarding the authenticity of a lead, TrustedForm certificates serve as indisputable evidence, simplifying resolution and protecting businesses from false claims.

Integrating TrustedForm

Implementing TrustedForm into your lead generation strategy is straightforward and beneficial. Here are the steps to integrate TrustedForm effectively:

  1. Sign Up with ActiveProspect: Create an account with ActiveProspect to get started with TrustedForm.
  2. Install the Script: Add the TrustedForm script to your web forms. This process is typically simple and involves copying and pasting the script into your website’s code.
  3. Configure Your Settings: Customize the TrustedForm settings to align with your business needs. You can choose which forms to monitor and how to store the certificates.
  4. Monitor and Analyze: Regularly review the TrustedForm certificates to ensure compliance and optimize your lead generation strategy based on the data collected.
  5. Train Your Team: Educate your marketing and sales teams on the importance of lead certification and how to use TrustedForm to verify leads.

TrustedForm is more than just a tool; it’s a vital component of a robust lead generation strategy. By providing verifiable proof of consent, ensuring compliance with regulations, and protecting against fraud, TrustedForm helps businesses build trust and optimize their marketing efforts. In a digital age where data privacy and authenticity are paramount, integrating TrustedForm into your lead generation process is a strategic move that can lead to long-term success.

For a detailed comparison between TrustedForm and Jornaya, check out this:

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